Promoting traditional English and American music and dance

BACDS Events Calendar

May 2024
Su M Tu W Th F Sa
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Schedule of Events

May 1 May Day (MORRIS)
Come see Goat Hill Morris dance the sun up at Christmas Tree Viewing Area on Twin Peaks in San Francisco. We'd love to see you there!
May 1 May Day (MORRIS)
And far to the south, Seabright is dancing the sun up on May day as usual at 6 am, at the Santa Cruz Lighthouse.
Come see Deer Creek Morris and Mrs. Prunely's Pride dance the sun up at the Baylands. Merry May!
May 1 May Day (MORRIS)
Come see Berkeley Morris dance the sun up at Inspiration Point. Merry May!
May 2 CONTRA CCB Deanna Rubin Lisa Miklós-Illés, Will Wheeler, Noel Cragg
May 3 ENGLISH SME Alan Winston Mary Tabor, Robin Lockner, Craig Johnson
English dancing for all - dance 7:30-10:00
May 4 The Astronomy Ball (ENGLISH/REGENCY/WALTZ/SPECIAL) (BAERS) ALMH Alan Winston Divertimento Dance Orchestra, James Langdell, Paul Kostka, William Allen
For Star Wars Day, a Regency ball celebrating astronomer Caroline Herschel, a professional musician and dancer and the first woman to be paid as an astronomer, discoverer of many comets, nebulae, and more., Alan Winston calls uncomplicated dances, mostly from late-1700s and early 1800s dance manuals, a couple of choreographed waltzes (Congress of Vienna, the new “Miss Herschel’s Comet”), and many free waltzes. Period costume admired but by no means required; formal or festive wear appreciated. See flyer: http://baers.org/Astronomy_Ball.jpg
May 4 Maypole at Tilden Little Farm (MORRIS)
The maypole! We’ll be dancing a set and then setting up the maypole for the wee ones to dance around at the Little Farm in Tilden. 11:00-12:00
May 7 ENGLISH ASE Alan Winston Cat Taylor, Robin Lockner, Craig Johnson
May 9 ENGLISH CCB Bruce Hamilton David Mostardi, Michelle Masek, Craig Johnson
English dancing for all - newcomer lesson at 7:15; dance 7:45-10:00
May 10 REGENCY/ENGLISH (BACDS, BAERS) SME Alan Winston Divertimento
May 11 CONTRA FUM Susan Petrick Daniel Steinberg, Rodney Miller
May 11 ENGLISH SJP David Newitt Heather MacKay, Diana Gómez, Gary Thomas
May 12 ONLINE/ENGLISH ONLINE Sharon Green Recorded Music by Odd Sundays Garage Band and others
May 12 ENGLISH FSJ Lise Dyckman Mary Tabor, Robin Lockner, William Allen
May 12 Mother's Day at Ardenwood (MORRIS)
Join us and other local Morris teams “under the greenwood tree” for a pleasingly rustic Mothers’ Day at Ardenwood Historic Farm. Dancing at noon and 2:00.
May 13 WOODSHED LAUMC Maybe you?
May 16 CONTRA CCB Alan Winston Daniel Steinberg, Paul Kotapish, Leah Wollenberg
May 17 ENGLISH/SPECIAL (NBCDS) HSH Kalia Kliban Jacqueline Schwab, Earl Gaddis, Mary Lea
Mad Robin "Weekend Welcome Dance"
May 18 MAD ROBIN BALL (ENGLISH/SPECIAL) (NBCDS) HSH Gene Murrow Jacqueline Schwab, Earl Gaddis, Mary Lea, Daniel Beerbohm
(advance registration required). workshop 1:30-4:00, ball 7:00-10:00pm
May 18 Family Contra with crafts, juggling, instrument petting zoo (SPECIAL) UUCPA Susan Petrick Valerie Rose, Ben Saylor, Craig Johnson
May 19 Memorable Melodies Dance (ENGLISH/SPECIAL) (NBCDS) HSH Gene Murrow Jacqueline Schwab, Earl Gaddis, Mary Lea, Daniel Beerbohm
(Potluck Brunch 12:30-2:00, Dance 2:30-5:30pm, Community Dinner -prepaid catering - 6:00pm)
May 19 Grace Cathedral (MORRIS)
After the Whitsunday service at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco we’ll be joining forces with our friends Deer Creek Morris and whatever Morris dancers feel inspired to show up for some commonly-known Morris dances. 12:15-ish, whenever the service ends.
May 21 Mad Robin Special Peninsula Dance (ENGLISH/SPECIAL) FUM Bruce Hamilton Jacqueline Schwab, Earl Gaddis, Mary Lea, Daniel Beerbohm
note special location, time (7:30-10:00), and price ($25)
May 23 ENGLISH CCB Alan Winston Maggie Moore, Anne Goess, Charlie Hancock
English dancing for all - newcomer lesson at 7:15; dance 7:45-10:00
May 25 CONTRA FUM Alan Winston Mike Lewinski, Daniel Steinberg
May 25 CONTRA FUM Alan Winston Mike Lewinski, Daniel Steinberg
May 25 ENGLISH CCB Gary Thomas, Sharon Green Charlie Hancock, David Mostardi
May 26 ONLINE/ENGLISH ONLINE Kalia Kliban, Sharon Green Recorded Music by Odd Sundays Garage Band and others
May 30 CONTRA CCB Kelsey Hartman The Cain Raisers, Craig Johnson, Erik Hoffman, Stefan Curl
May 31 ENGLISH SME Alan Winston, Lise Dyckman Craig Johnson, Judy Linsenberg, Cat Taylor
5th Friday ADVANCED ECD. Maximum dancing with minimal teaching, and an occasional challenge. Dancers are expected to be undaunted by figures like: double figure 8s; heys for 3, 4 or more in different configurations; double Mad Robin figures; chevrons; triple minor longways formations; etc. (This is not the time to bring your friends who are new to English country dancing, although we’d love to see them at other BACDS dance events.)

Dance Venues

ALMH Alameda Masonic Hall 2312 Alameda Avenue Alameda
ASE All Saints Episcopal Church 555 Waverley St Palo Alto
CCB Christ Church East Bay 2138 Cedar Street Berkeley
FSJ First Unitarian Church of San Jose 160 N 3rd St San Jose
FUM First United Methodist Church of Palo Alto 625 Hamilton at Byron Palo Alto
HSH Hermann Sons Hall 860 Western Avenue Petaluma
LAUMC Los Altos United Methodist Church 655 Magdalena Los Altos
ONLINE online wherever the cloud
SJP St. John's Presbyterian Church 25 Lake San Francisco
SME St. Mark's Episcopal Church 600 Colorado Avenue Palo Alto
UUCPA Unitarian-Universalist Church of Palo Alto 505 E. Charleston Road Palo Alto